Now...for the rest of the story...
The bidding on the hex tank's in at $10, now $20, $25-$30..gets to $45 and Terry jumps out and it sells for $45. I was pissed off. I said "we could probably had it for $50". He said,'s not that great anyway. I said "So what do you suppose we do with 5 angel fish? That's pretty expensive shark food if you ask me" (insert snotty tone here).
Next thing I know he's off talking to some dude and Kath says "I think he's buying you a tank". What? We don't need another tank. I'll just set up the 10 gallon tank. Yep. He comes back and says "There. I just got a tall 37 gallon tank for $35. We just have to go pick it up tomorrow. Don't lose this phone number".
OMG. Seriously dude. Where in the heck are we gonna put another fish tank?
We finally arrive home with all our treasures about 5pm. YES..we spent an entire Saturday at a fish auction. I proceed to float the bags so we can introduce the fish and realize that in the mix of swordtails there are some very tiny ones. But lo and the box of "stuff" was a breeder tank about 3 x 6 which you float at the top of your tank. So the angels and the baby swordtails are saved! No shark food for you. Hah.
Sunday am, we get up and are just taking it easy and Terry's cell finally rings. The dude is ready and we can come get the tank. As we were getting ready to leave, the phone rang and I said "don't answer it". Terry was in the other room and said "What?" I repeated "Don't answer it. It's Sears protection". He says "Who?" I said "Sears Protection". He comes around the corner and says..."I thought you said Fish Intervention".
I said I think we need an intervention, but I laughed all the way to Shueyville anyway.
So the man we bought this tank from is actually a breeder of tropical fish. Angels no less. He has a room dedicated to breeding Chiclids, plecos, and Angels. We learned alot in the hour or so we visited with him and as we pulled away from his drive way I told Terry to stop. Before he turned left to head to the interstate I said "We need to agree on something right now".
"What?" he said. I replied "I refuse to become a breeder. Don't want to go there. Don't want one room dedicated to fish. If the fish have babies it will be as in nature - survival of the fittest. Not gonna have a tank to put babies in, not gonna learn how to grow my own brine shrimp for feed. Nope. not going there. If that's your intention, we might as well get divorced now. The dudes family room smelled like amonia. Not going there. I want fish for the pleasure of watching them, learning about them, decorating their tank, learning how they interact with other species blah blah blah. Nope. Not gonna do the breeding thing."
He said "Ok. But I still want 120 gallon tank".
I give up.
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