Abracadabra! You can buy pressed and dried flowers on the internet! During all my "research" I found a few websites that offered fully pressed and dried flowers for as little as $1.29 for 10.
"Did you buy some?" you ask. "Well of course I did". (remember me?...impatient person who wants dried flowers RIGHT NOW!) I spent a whopping 20bucks on three packages of itsy bitsy tinsy weensey little flat and pressed...flowers...(and you thought I'd say bikinis didn't you?).
Boy...are they brittle. If you woman handle them (cause I don't man handle)...they crumble into little bits of nothing. (lesson learned on a leaf half the size of my thumb) LOL.
Now that I'm offically addicted to pressing and drying flowers, I have to admit I have a VERY indulgent hubby. I'm constantly looking for new and exciting flowers...FOR FREE. So on the way to Brenda's yesterday I saw some really cool yellow flowers that looked like daisys (Yes, in the ditch). So he very kindly pulled over to the side of the road, (Yes on HWY 34) AND handed my a pair of needle nose plyers so I could cut some flowers.
Then about 10 miles down the road, I keep seeing these blue flowers. I need blue flowers. So what does he do? Yep, he pulls over again and lets me out and I grab some of them, plus some purple whispy things too. However, as indulgent as he was, he never misses an opportunity to pull away and let me think he's leaving me on the side of the road. He did it. So I cut some more blue flowers.
When I got back into the truck with my hand full of flowers...he began to sneeze. Hah! That's what you get for trying to leave me.
Anyhow, we get to BK's and I cut the blooms off and press them into paper towels..I can't tell you how excited I was, and of course how much she laughed when I told her we would have been 30 minutes earlier if we hadn't stopped to "cut the flowers".
As I continue to eye all the different kinds of flowers around, I'm getting dangerously close to taking them from peoples yards....so when I saw the most perfect sunflower (on the side of the road next to a corn field) - I gave BK the plyers and made her cut it off. She's the town librarian, nobody gets mad at the town librarian!
So when we got home last night, Terry help me get something heavy enough for the sunflower and this morning when we checked it, he said you might have to "shave" some of the back of to get it to lay flater. So I grabbed the knife and as I was thinking about the best way to "shave some off", he said, "give me the knife, you make me nervous", and proceed to shave my perfect little sunflower - but alas, he "shaved" too much and it completely fell apart.
So much for stealing flowers...
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